Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Welcome to 4 - H! First Topic: Horse Breeds

Howdy Friends!

While our horses are only 3 different breeds, there are many, many more horse breeds!  Watch this video to see the "Top 10 Strange and Beautiful Horse Breeds in the World" from "Top Horse Videos".  (Parent caution: DO NOT let your children search "Horse Breeds" in YouTube, just watch what I have embedded.  You can guess why.)

"Showing - Types of Horses" from "Your Horse Online" will teach you how to recognize the difference of the breeds.

How do we tell a horse apart?  Each horse has unique markings on their face and legs.  Learn how to identify them by watching this video.  "Horse Colors and Markings" by "SmarTube".

So...what is my horse, Rusty?   Here is a picture of him!  Type your answer in the "Comments" and we'll find out next week!


  1. I think Rusty is Sorrel color with Blaze and Stocking markings. I think Rusty is a riding horse. - Jefrie

  2. I think Rusty is a Sorrel with blaze and stocking markings. -Nick

  3. Rusty is a Paint riding horse with blaze and socks on the front with stockings on his back legs. - Justin

    I think Rusty is a Paint breed with a blaze and stockings. - Sabrina
